Friday, August 26, 2011

Government and its purpose

Decent folk don't have much need for government. Government has very few jobs to do. I can't remember who said it but it goes something like this. "Government should only refrain from doing evil." In other words, they don't need to do good, just don't do bad.

Adults are required to live with the consequences of their actions. If were to make the bad decision to begin using heroin then I should live with the consequences of using heroin. There is no need for a law to tell me what I can and cannot take into my body. On the other hand, there are crimes that are often associated with drug use, like theft for example. The crime then is theft, not drug use. People should be warned of the dangers of heroin and that is the end of government's involvement.

Government exists to protect against force and fraud. The several states formed a federal government to provide for our mutual defense and to keep the doors of interstate commerce open. To that end the Department of Agriculture maintains weights and measures. An ounce in Texas is an ounce in Maryland. 12 inches in Hawaii is 12 inches in Virginia. A bushel is a bushel etc.

Our government, Congress in this particular case, holds the sole authority to mint money and establish the value thereof. This does give them the related authority to establish some system of banking. It does not give them the authority to delegate to a private institution (like the Federal Reserve for example). Congress needs to take control of this issue PDQ.

The Executive Branch of our government is required to execute the duties of that office (President). This includes enforcing the laws. The executive branch does not have the authority to selectively enforce the laws passed by Congress. The President cannot make law. His office has no legislative power other than his part of the system of checks and balances. He can veto a bill but that veto can be overturned by Congress if enough of the congressmen agree.

Government exists to protect the people from foreign enemies, from domestic criminals, and to support our laws with just courts. That doesn't require 2200 page bills that people don't read before voting on.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Vocabulary education

After watching the circus of politics for a bit I decided it is time for an education. Words actually have meaning and a great deal of fun can be had when you find where and when the machine slightly changes or exchanges words.

There is no such thing as an "illegal immigrant." There are "immigrants," those are the people that have come through the proper channels. There are also "resident aliens," which are those that have come through proper channels and do not have citizenship in our great nation but have legal status here. There are also "illegal aliens," who are by definition criminals and do not have special rights.

All that being said we have a big problem on the plate. Our immigration system is a wreck. There are many hard working and decent men and women that would make outstanding citizens. We should have a way for them to become citizens. This does not need a DREAM act or other such cooked up and useless plan. Little known fact, obviously, immigrants can already achieve citizenship by serving in the military. Yeah, they left that out of the soundbite political education that people thrive on these days didn't they.

We need a point system. If you are a carpenter and we have plenty of carpenters you can't come in. Unless of course you have other skills or resources that we need. If you are a criminal, for something that we would consider a crime, then you can't come in. If you sneak in, you are a criminal.

I live near someplace that just makes me sad. Every day I see Juarez, just across the Rio Grande. I feel bad for so many good folk that are having to live under those conditions. My heart goes out to them. When will the federal government of Mexico do something about the violence and rabid corruption there? Do they serve the people of Mexico or do they serve other interests? Sure we have had the circus of Operation Fast and Furious and the trail of guns "walked" into Mexico, I have also heard of another operation that has placed weapons in MS-13's hands. Really folks, is this the government that we want? Does this fulfill the GOP's good Christian values?

Here are my criteria: Are you a criminal? If yes then move along and get out. If you are not a criminal then we can talk. We really don't need to import criminals, we have plenty of our own. NAFTA does not include competition for our own organized crime. I read the agreement.

Be willing to work, come here to work and build a life. Sending money back home is okay I guess but we should tax it. Non-citizens don't enjoy the same rights and freedoms as citizens. I recommend a modest 10% tax on remittances. That should at least cover a portion of the schooling and medical care.

Bring something to the table. Some skill, even if it is only a strong back. If you are illiterate, call me, I will teach you to read. You can't make it here if you can't read. I want more immigrants and no illegal aliens. I suspect that a certain segment of the population is kept ignorant about how to come here legally. Coyotes are not good people.

We need a real immigration plan. The redneck BS about "speak the language or get out" is ignorant. It is ignorant of the fact that several of our states were already heavily Hispanic when the joined the union and achieved statehood. New Mexico has, since its beginning, a constitution that is printed in both English and Spanish. Louisiana has a relatively large population that speaks French. Yes, we should have an official language, or official languages. English, Spanish, and French. The worse thing that could happen then is that our children would be multi-lingual (is that a word?).

What we cannot do is continue to support a horde of illegal immigrants that march on my nation's capital waving a flag of a foreign nation and demanding special rights. We just can't afford it. What we can afford is hard-working and industrious people that want to make a difference in their own lives, that are willing to work and grow.

I will also cut a deal with Mexico. Send us another hard working guy that will make things happen and I will send you 3 Americans that are not worth a squirt of piss in the desert. Fair deal El Presidente?

Welcome to the Border Town

Yes my pets, I was just outside of Barstow on the edge of the desert for a short while. Now the batchannel is from El Paso, TX just slightly north of interesting city of Juarez, Mexico. I am now living in the Chihuahua desert and loving it. Good food, many decent folk, and a climate that is more suited to my delicate sensibilities.

While I am here working on my PhD in phrenology and cyclopean architecture from Miskatonic University at El Paso I decided to share my journey in the desert. So here we go for the next few years. You will be entertained with stories, delusions, politics, economics, and random rants.

Stay tuned