Saturday, October 29, 2011

Where does innovation come from?

There has been a lot of useless chatter from the pundits and the various GOP candidates and the President of the United States about what makes America work. Too bad they never paid attention.

Innovation of any type is a threat to the status quo. This means that the very rich and their political buddies have a vested interest in making sure that there is no innovation. Innovation could threaten the biggest campaign donations. Innovation could hurt a union.

Innovation could hurt the poor because their un-skilled jobs can be eliminated. They have a vested interest in making sure that innovation does not happen.

It sounds like innovation is a terrible thing until we consider "germ theory" and the host of other matters that have made our lives better. Standard Oil stopped whaling because kerosene became cheaper than whale oil. That's right folks, Standard Oil, those evil capitalist saved the whales when no whimp hippy could and they did it by coming up with an alternative. Yup, innovation. A human mind made it happen without having to pass laws and buy politicians.

What should we learn from this? Quit begging your "enlightened leaders" no matter how "intellectual" they may seem to save you. Get to work. If you want solar power of whatever hippy crap you want, make it happen. That means you may have to learn math. Math is just one of those tools that the man uses to keep you down. Learn something punks. Make the difference and quit asking your government to do it for you. Nut up or shut up.

"Whaaaa! There are troops in Iraq." Make it clear that they have to come home. The sovereignty of government rests with The People (bless their black, flabby, greedy hearts). "Whaa, I have to pay my student loans." Tough shit. Life is hard. Get a job and pay them off. "Whaa, somebody hurt my feelings" because he said "nigger" or "spic" or "fag" or "kyke" or "camel jockey." You don't have a right to not be offended. Seriously, if you are not offended you are not paying attention.

I mention this because the people that make things happen step up and take care of business. They don't cry or take Solyndra loans. They make it happen. That is what I want to see out of my countrymen. Make change happen, convince me to come along. Don't appeal to my better nature. I don't really have one. Appeal to my gross self-interest. Appeal to my sense of integrity and honor. Convince me that your way is better.

. . . by the way, you won't get me to support amnesty for illegals by tugging on my heart strings. I lost my tear ducts in the war. I used to be a six foot tall black Marine. Now I am a skinny, dirty white boy with remarkable skills of oratory. Speak to my belief in a nation of laws instead of nation of bruised vaginas.

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Troops

I come from a military family meaning that many of my kith and kin have served in our nation's armed forces. Even my momma wore combat boots. Many of my friends have as well. Now President Obama has determined that the troops are coming home by the end of the year. That is good news. Thank you Mr. President. Too much of our troops' blood has been spent on someone else's war. I don't mourn the death of Saddam Hussein, I was glad to see him go. I am also glad to see Qaddafi go (I wish that we had got him back in the Reagan administration).

This is not a political question. It is a philosophical question. Is it proper to spend American lives for someone else's war? No and hell no. Whatever the politics and economics are "people are not potatos." Our troops are not pieces to be moved around a board and sacrificed without damn good reason. They are living, thinking human beings and American citizens that have "placed their fragile bodies between the desolation of war and the comforts of home." They should be respected and supported. The best way to support them is for We The People to require our government to issue a declaration of war so that the entire economy can be placed in the service of supporting our troops and they will not have to walk into that vile sandbox without the proper weapons and armor. We do go to war with the army that we have. Too bad we aren't at war. "War" is not a feeling or a soundbite. It is a legal action by the Congress of the United States of America. When this happens, and it hasn't happened in a long time, the country goes to work and takes care of business. We The People failed our troops by allowing our Congress and our Executive to prosecute a military action without the full backing of the United States government and economy. 10 years? Seriously people. We whipped the Empire of Japan and the Nazis in less time. This is the most powerful military machine on the planet that we are talking about. Do you really think that its total power would take more than a weekend to mop up Afghanistan and Iraq, and any of their neighbors that wanted to get in on it?

No, are troops were slaughtered and sacrificed for political expediency. Where were you? I hope that you were not part of the unwashed masses beating on a drum on the street in Santa Cruz, California. That accomplished nothing. I hope that you were pressuring your government to act in a legal manner. Doesn't seem like many of us were, now we want to complain.

We now have troops in Uganda and Gawd knows were else. Yet the silence is defeaning.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Typical Machete Fight

A short while back I TA'd for a philosophy course. During one of the garden path discussions (which was the custom in those days) we began to talk about violence (the sweet, sweet violence). One of the students was a young lady who was an immigrant from Cuba. She was under the impression that the United States was far more violent than Cuba. This is all about perception. She watched the news and heard the worst excesses of the several criminals and thugs that we have in this country. She had an idea of the United States as being a violent place because she had heard about shootings and other assorted madness.

She did say that in Cuba they would have their "typical machete fight" but nothing like what is going on in the United States. I have a couple of questions. First, what is an atypical machete fight? That would be worth seeing. Who would waste their valuable time with a typical machete fight? It is the atypical machete fight that I want to see. Second, who the hell has typical machete fights? That is just crazy.

Perception of events shapes our thinking on the environment. When you have a "typical machete fight" it does not have an effect on you. It is things outside of your norm that cause problems. Apply this to politics. Would we see an atypical politician as "crazy?" Too far outside the norm and we can't seem to deal with it or fit it into our cognitive frame. Maybe we should think more and evangelize less?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What the hell

So Jesse Jackson Jr. wants the President of the United States to "take extraordinary constitutional" actions because "the Congress is in rebellion" against the United States. The Congress of the United States voted against the so-called jobs bill proposed by President Obama. The President was upset by Jackson wants the President to take "extra-constitutional opportunities." As a Congressman, Jesse Jackson Jr. has taken an oath to defend the Constitution. So who is rebellion?

Occupy Wall Street. Okay, what is that they are protesting exactly? Other than wanting to kill people, they want investigations and prosecutions of those criminals on Wall Street that were, in part, responsible for the state of our economy. No word is mentioned about policies that encouraged and permitted those excesses.

They want, at least some of them do, laws that state that a corporation is not a "person." I can agree with that. People die, in about 75 years. They go to prison for breaking laws and being found guilty.

Taxes, just to make sure that the bad rich people and evil corporations pay their fair share. Isn't it about 50% of citizens that actually pay taxes? I do think everyone, and I do mean everyone, should pay their fair share. This includes the poor. "If you want to be a crook in my town you have to pay for the privilege."

More Demands:
"Living wage." Get rid of the near slave labor conditions of illegal aliens, get rid of government enhanced housing bubbles along with regulations that prohibit growth prices could come down and it would be reasonable then to pay an unskilled person what they are worth. Also, America is for Americans. Not the Chinese or Mexico or any other nation. We have to tend our own hearth before we continue giving money (foreign aid) to China who in turn loans it back to us.

"Universal health care." Show me how to do it without theft and I am all ears.

"Free college education." There are too many people going to college anyway. It should be harder to get in. Of course skilled trade jobs should pay well. Unskilled is just unskilled.

"Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment." So they are asking to be paid to not do anything. Of course those that are being paid to protest are getting paid, so what is the problem for them?

"Open borders migration, anyone can travel anywhere to work and live." All I can say to this is damn you folks are ignorant.

"Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all." Does that include rich people's debts? What of the people that made the loans, are they going to get bailed out when they lose their shirts?

I wish that I could make stuff like this up.

Now on taxes. There are too many taxes as is. It would be nice if we had a tax structure in which everyone paid. A certain percentage perhaps, maybe 5%. If the bloated federal government can't live on that they can start with reducing their own salaries and staff. They can fire a bunch of folks like the entire ATF and DEA. Legalize marijuana.

Marijuana should only be legal for industrial, medical, and entertainment purposes. Any other reason is just stupid. Legalize it, take a bunch of money out of the pockets of crooks and murderers. Legalize it, and add a very large sum of money to federal and state coffers. Legalize it and reduce the remarkable size and cost of our federal and state prison systems. Legalize it so that our police forces can concentrate on things that matter like murder, theft, arson, and a host of other violent crimes against persons and property that they would rather cover anyway.

Legalize it for the moral reason that no person or government has the right to tell a person what they can and cannot do to their own body. While we are at it. Legalize prostitution. Giving someone an orgasm is not a crime. Hell, if you turn the camera on then it isn't prostitution, it is pornography.

Can anyone really stand this tripe that is being fed to us? Your masters in D.C. seem to think that they are nowhere near the amount of tripe that you should be fed.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I am damn near sick about the term "liberal" being applied to people that hate or are completely opposed to what is clearly liberal philosophy. No, this is not an endorsement of the Libertarian Party. They would do better in politics if everyone of their members didn't want to be king.

Liberal philosophy would terrify the GOP and the Democrat Party (aka progressives). That much freedom with thinking people is anathema to their ideas of government control of, well, everything. When you make a decision between Republicans and Democans you are only deciding between the amount of Big Brother control (and that will increase every cycle). You are not making a decision on conservative or progressive questions.

To all the ignorant bastards that refused to educate themselves before voting in the last election, Fuck You Too. You are personally responsible for the mullato George W. Bush. Remember "hope and change?" Well, you got the Patriot Act renewed by the Messiah (tm) without a word from the decent and apparently educated left wing. You did not receive a troop withdrawal, you got an expansion of military activity, again without dirty smelling protestors banging drums outside of my window. Where are you now?

Yes, I know, "occupy Wall Street." Occupy my left penis. Begging for free food and taking a dump in public. Nice. Good way to show the validity of a political idea that the rest of the country should follow. You are all playing into their hands. It saddens me to see how much you love theft and hate freedom.

To the corporations that bought their fiefs from congressmen, senators, and the executive. Some of us know. Some worthless punks that couldn't maintain on the fry line at McDonald's is raking in the cash because of large donations to the punks that make the laws. Yeah, get behind those people. At least you got to vote for the first mulatto to be president. I hope that you are happy. In the mean time, men and women are coming home in boxes. How does that hope and change feel now?

I don't blame the government, they are most likely confused. They are all educated men and women and they may be laboring under the impression that the voters of this country actually care about something more than their own wallet and feelings. As a voter you an have obligation to be informed before you vote. This country does not exist to provide anyone with a free ride. It exists to protect the freedoms that every person should enjoy.

I am sick of the damn voters and their pathetic opinions on abortion or how those evil horrible rich people (remember, it was terrorists last week and communists before that) that sway your opinions to making remarkably stupid decisions. I would pray that you have to live with those decisions but prayer isn't necessary, you will have to live with it. When President Obama is dining on the finest of foods you will be figuring out how you can afford a pound of hamburger to feed your children.

Don't take this as harsh, it happened when a bunch of dumbasses jumped behind George W. Bush. I hoped that the land that I buried many of my family in, under the flag of our nation, would never get so selfish as to take a shit on their graves. I hope that one day the citizens actually do something for this country and constrain our government. I have no utopian ideas that this will happen anytime before I am worm food.

Best of luck to you. To quote one of the last great patriots, "in a nation of swine, all pigs have upward mobility" - Hunter S. Thompson

Sunday, October 2, 2011

It isn't racist

It isn't racist to support your country. It isn't "un-American" to believe that those that do not belong here don't belong here. Separating families because some of that family are criminals isn't "un-American." We separate families every day when we send a citizen to prison. People have to be held accountable for their actions. Sneak into the country (a crime) have a kid here (by law a citizen). Having the kid who is legally a citizen does not erase the crime of sneaking into the country. If they really loved their children they would not start their lives by having to deal with parents who are criminals.

It isn't a "GOP idea" to demand that our government returns to the constitutional constraints that keep government out of our lives and bedrooms. It is also not a "gay agenda" to support the idea that two adults are permitted the same consideration as any other couple in this country. Frankly, even polygamy shouldn't be a government issue. How does that sit with your bible?

We have moved from a republic to an abusive democracy.