Innovation of any type is a threat to the status quo. This means that the very rich and their political buddies have a vested interest in making sure that there is no innovation. Innovation could threaten the biggest campaign donations. Innovation could hurt a union.
Innovation could hurt the poor because their un-skilled jobs can be eliminated. They have a vested interest in making sure that innovation does not happen.
It sounds like innovation is a terrible thing until we consider "germ theory" and the host of other matters that have made our lives better. Standard Oil stopped whaling because kerosene became cheaper than whale oil. That's right folks, Standard Oil, those evil capitalist saved the whales when no whimp hippy could and they did it by coming up with an alternative. Yup, innovation. A human mind made it happen without having to pass laws and buy politicians.
What should we learn from this? Quit begging your "enlightened leaders" no matter how "intellectual" they may seem to save you. Get to work. If you want solar power of whatever hippy crap you want, make it happen. That means you may have to learn math. Math is just one of those tools that the man uses to keep you down. Learn something punks. Make the difference and quit asking your government to do it for you. Nut up or shut up.
"Whaaaa! There are troops in Iraq." Make it clear that they have to come home. The sovereignty of government rests with The People (bless their black, flabby, greedy hearts). "Whaa, I have to pay my student loans." Tough shit. Life is hard. Get a job and pay them off. "Whaa, somebody hurt my feelings" because he said "nigger" or "spic" or "fag" or "kyke" or "camel jockey." You don't have a right to not be offended. Seriously, if you are not offended you are not paying attention.
I mention this because the people that make things happen step up and take care of business. They don't cry or take Solyndra loans. They make it happen. That is what I want to see out of my countrymen. Make change happen, convince me to come along. Don't appeal to my better nature. I don't really have one. Appeal to my gross self-interest. Appeal to my sense of integrity and honor. Convince me that your way is better.
. . . by the way, you won't get me to support amnesty for illegals by tugging on my heart strings. I lost my tear ducts in the war. I used to be a six foot tall black Marine. Now I am a skinny, dirty white boy with remarkable skills of oratory. Speak to my belief in a nation of laws instead of nation of bruised vaginas.