Liberal philosophy would terrify the GOP and the Democrat Party (aka progressives). That much freedom with thinking people is anathema to their ideas of government control of, well, everything. When you make a decision between Republicans and Democans you are only deciding between the amount of Big Brother control (and that will increase every cycle). You are not making a decision on conservative or progressive questions.
To all the ignorant bastards that refused to educate themselves before voting in the last election, Fuck You Too. You are personally responsible for the mullato George W. Bush. Remember "hope and change?" Well, you got the Patriot Act renewed by the Messiah (tm) without a word from the decent and apparently educated left wing. You did not receive a troop withdrawal, you got an expansion of military activity, again without dirty smelling protestors banging drums outside of my window. Where are you now?
Yes, I know, "occupy Wall Street." Occupy my left penis. Begging for free food and taking a dump in public. Nice. Good way to show the validity of a political idea that the rest of the country should follow. You are all playing into their hands. It saddens me to see how much you love theft and hate freedom.
To the corporations that bought their fiefs from congressmen, senators, and the executive. Some of us know. Some worthless punks that couldn't maintain on the fry line at McDonald's is raking in the cash because of large donations to the punks that make the laws. Yeah, get behind those people. At least you got to vote for the first mulatto to be president. I hope that you are happy. In the mean time, men and women are coming home in boxes. How does that hope and change feel now?
I don't blame the government, they are most likely confused. They are all educated men and women and they may be laboring under the impression that the voters of this country actually care about something more than their own wallet and feelings. As a voter you an have obligation to be informed before you vote. This country does not exist to provide anyone with a free ride. It exists to protect the freedoms that every person should enjoy.
I am sick of the damn voters and their pathetic opinions on abortion or how those evil horrible rich people (remember, it was terrorists last week and communists before that) that sway your opinions to making remarkably stupid decisions. I would pray that you have to live with those decisions but prayer isn't necessary, you will have to live with it. When President Obama is dining on the finest of foods you will be figuring out how you can afford a pound of hamburger to feed your children.
Don't take this as harsh, it happened when a bunch of dumbasses jumped behind George W. Bush. I hoped that the land that I buried many of my family in, under the flag of our nation, would never get so selfish as to take a shit on their graves. I hope that one day the citizens actually do something for this country and constrain our government. I have no utopian ideas that this will happen anytime before I am worm food.
Best of luck to you. To quote one of the last great patriots, "in a nation of swine, all pigs have upward mobility" - Hunter S. Thompson
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