Of the younger students most of the really good students are female, that is controlling for the disportionate representation of females to males in college. There is at least one notable exception in a young man that I expect to see great things from him. As far as other males doing well, they are considered "non-traditional students." Why is it that the slightly older males are doing so much better? Is that they actually show up and do the work while handling a family and a full time job but are doing better than those that have no other responsibilities?
Is it that the unique snowflakes just can't compete with the drive and ambition of the older generation? Why have we contributed to the wussification of America.
Men, young and old, stand up and be a man. Work harder and accomplish. Nothing is owed to you without effort. I am concerned about our future as a nation when our future leaders were given a trophy just for showing up and losing. A loser leader can only lead a losing nation.
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