Tuesday, January 24, 2012

My vision

My vision is a United States in which a potential nominee like Congressman Ron Paul would not happen and would not be rare. Yes, that is a political statement. I am not amongst those that thinks that a government constrained by the Constitution represents a radical or crazy idea.

I have a vision of a government that obeyed the Constitution, no matter how inconvenient it might be to their personal drives. There will be some ignorant, and unfortunately willfully ignorant people that use words like "ideologue" to demean the realities of the situation. If there is any respect for law and order Congressman Ron Paul would be just another representative in a small district in Texas and he would not be remarkable in any way. All federal officials take an oath to the Constitution. That should be the end of the story. I shouldn't have to take time out of my day to campaign because the important stuff is already covered. Too bad that the Republican darlings and the Democrat masters have already decided that mentioning the Constitution makes a person into a domestic terrorist. Odd that they develop a law that allows indefinite detention without the protections of the document that provides the legal framework and foundation for their job.

Ron Paul should not have had to happen. All of our government officials, from the level of municipal police officer to the President of the United States should work only within the constraints of the Constitution. Some doctor from Texas should not have had to bring these issues up. He is a decent man who has executed the duties of his office, it shouldn't have been news worthy. It shouldn't be news worthy for a government official to support the Constitution. Though I support Congressman Ron Paul for President it is a sad day for me to do so. It is sad because it should not have happened. This discussion should have never come up.

There should have never been a TEA party. There should have never been a "Ron Paul revolution" because it would never have been necessary if the government just followed the law and executed their duties according to law.

One day I hope to wake up and find a government that does not treat me as a criminal just because I want to get on a plane. I hope to find police officers that I can talk to without fear that they will find a way, in case they are bored, to attack me. I hope to find a President that will never spend the blood of our troops without damn good reason and only then with a Declaration of War from the Congress.

It is a radical vision. It is radical because not bombing and occupying is considered to be weak on defense. It is radical because the basis of our Union is now considered "impractical."

Good luck America. It won't get better until you find courage.

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