Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What the hell

So Jesse Jackson Jr. wants the President of the United States to "take extraordinary constitutional" actions because "the Congress is in rebellion" against the United States. The Congress of the United States voted against the so-called jobs bill proposed by President Obama. The President was upset by Jackson wants the President to take "extra-constitutional opportunities." As a Congressman, Jesse Jackson Jr. has taken an oath to defend the Constitution. So who is rebellion?

Occupy Wall Street. Okay, what is that they are protesting exactly? Other than wanting to kill people, they want investigations and prosecutions of those criminals on Wall Street that were, in part, responsible for the state of our economy. No word is mentioned about policies that encouraged and permitted those excesses.

They want, at least some of them do, laws that state that a corporation is not a "person." I can agree with that. People die, in about 75 years. They go to prison for breaking laws and being found guilty.

Taxes, just to make sure that the bad rich people and evil corporations pay their fair share. Isn't it about 50% of citizens that actually pay taxes? I do think everyone, and I do mean everyone, should pay their fair share. This includes the poor. "If you want to be a crook in my town you have to pay for the privilege."

More Demands:
"Living wage." Get rid of the near slave labor conditions of illegal aliens, get rid of government enhanced housing bubbles along with regulations that prohibit growth prices could come down and it would be reasonable then to pay an unskilled person what they are worth. Also, America is for Americans. Not the Chinese or Mexico or any other nation. We have to tend our own hearth before we continue giving money (foreign aid) to China who in turn loans it back to us.

"Universal health care." Show me how to do it without theft and I am all ears.

"Free college education." There are too many people going to college anyway. It should be harder to get in. Of course skilled trade jobs should pay well. Unskilled is just unskilled.

"Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment." So they are asking to be paid to not do anything. Of course those that are being paid to protest are getting paid, so what is the problem for them?

"Open borders migration, anyone can travel anywhere to work and live." All I can say to this is damn you folks are ignorant.

"Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all." Does that include rich people's debts? What of the people that made the loans, are they going to get bailed out when they lose their shirts?

I wish that I could make stuff like this up.

Now on taxes. There are too many taxes as is. It would be nice if we had a tax structure in which everyone paid. A certain percentage perhaps, maybe 5%. If the bloated federal government can't live on that they can start with reducing their own salaries and staff. They can fire a bunch of folks like the entire ATF and DEA. Legalize marijuana.

Marijuana should only be legal for industrial, medical, and entertainment purposes. Any other reason is just stupid. Legalize it, take a bunch of money out of the pockets of crooks and murderers. Legalize it, and add a very large sum of money to federal and state coffers. Legalize it and reduce the remarkable size and cost of our federal and state prison systems. Legalize it so that our police forces can concentrate on things that matter like murder, theft, arson, and a host of other violent crimes against persons and property that they would rather cover anyway.

Legalize it for the moral reason that no person or government has the right to tell a person what they can and cannot do to their own body. While we are at it. Legalize prostitution. Giving someone an orgasm is not a crime. Hell, if you turn the camera on then it isn't prostitution, it is pornography.

Can anyone really stand this tripe that is being fed to us? Your masters in D.C. seem to think that they are nowhere near the amount of tripe that you should be fed.


  1. Tripe, it's what for dinner.....It has to be cheaper than $4 a gallon milk yes that's right folks milk cost more than a gallon of gasoline. Universal health care is impossible because humans are not nice people, occupy whatever street you like without serious business reform not a single thing will change. Debt forgiveness already exists we don't have a debtors prison YET. Prostitution should be as illegal as breathing, we pay for oxygen when we don't get enough naturally don't we? Good post.

  2. I am always nice, I just don't like things taken from me by strongarm thugs. Something about that just pisses me off.
