Monday, January 2, 2012

4th Amendment

This is a very important amendment that is violated all too often. Never having it violated would be just about right.

Amendment IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
- The Constitution of the United States

This seems be fairly straight forward. Let's examine it briefly.

1. "The right of the people . . . " this part confirms that this right existed before the formation of the government in further recognition of our inherent right to privacy and property.

2. "unreasonable searches and seizures" is a part that many thugs want to focus on. They seem to believe that if they make a "reasonable" argument then they have carte blanche. Not so fast, there are conditions. A warrant is required. This warrant doesn't come from the government agent himself. It must derive from an impartial judge and be "supported by Oath or affirmation" and the warrant then only grants power to search for and possibly seize items or persons that are specifically detailed in the warrant.

Since we, as citizens of the United States of America, have the freedom to travel amongst every state of the union without a passport and no authority is specifically granted to the federal government to restrain that travel (more on this in a later post) we should not be interfered with during our travel without good cause and a warrant issued.

Before any dolt out there balks, yes I know, the "freedom to travel" is not mentioned specifically in the first amendment. Keep reading. The Bill of Rights was not intended to be an exhaustive list of our rights. That is clarified later in the Constitution (stay tuned for that post). In order to fly today we are forced to be groped, threatened, and sometimes humiliated by government thugs with no Constitutional authority to even have their job. Their agency should not exist. By their thinking, you must stand there and watch your wife and children get felt up by government employees who have demonstrated no desire to follow their own rules in order to exercise your freedom to travel.

The whole probable cause issue. You will be searched because you are probably a terrorist.

Many moons ago I served as a corrections officer. My fellow officers and I often found drugs, weapons, and other contraband without having to grab someone's genitals. Nearly every day an inmate was found with some sort of contraband. During the TSA's reign they have failed to catch one terrorist (which is the boogey man that was conjured to get the sheeple to agree to this attack on their freedom - those bastards really do hate you because you are free) but they have protected flights from prosthetics and breast milk.

Where is their probable cause to search anyone? If I purchase a plane ticket that is between me and the airline. The airline has their requirements and I have mine. If we have a meeting of the minds then they grant me a ticket and grant them money in return. The airlines should have their own security.

I can hear the wails of the cowards now: "B-b-b-b-but airport security didn't stop the 9/11 hijackers." That is correct, obviously. TSA failed to stop the "underwear bomber" and the Detroit "shoe bomber." By the logic required to justify TSA (private security didn't stop the terrorists) we would have to dispense with TSA because they have failed. Luckily good people, citizens, put the smack down on the douche bag that tried to take out a plane over Detroit. TSA must go because they can't protect you.

Here are the ugly facts. The world is a dangerous and scary place. Yes, there are people out there that will wish you harm sometimes for no particular reason. If this is too much for you to handle I recommend getting a case of agoraphobia and staying inside (with the lingering fear that the bad guys are most likely targeting your house next). Nut up.

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