Put down your crackberry or whatever evil tool of SkyNet you are currently using (but not before you read all of the words in this post) and just live in the moment. I live in the desert and the air this remarkable quality about it. It is free of that wonderful smell of decaying vegetable and animal matter. Things just dessicate here. Fear not though, your humble guide in this journey is well hydrated with the Water of Life for this post.
You can meditate by just stopping the chattering monkey in your head. Pay attention! (Please insert the tone and sound of a strong father figure in that, I always do). He was right, that is all you need to do. Just pay attention. Pay attention to the color of the leaves while paying attention to everything else like the smell of the air, the clink of ice cubes in a tumbler, remarkable Latinas walking down the street, and the smell of excellent food being cooked somewhere.
Once you have that, then know that the best case scenario to all this wonderful goodness is entropy, sickness, and death. It will most likely be really painful too. Even if it only hurts for a very short while at the end it will feel like eternity. If you can accept that you can get over the pervasive sense of dissatisfaction and be content. In short, life sucks - get over it. It will be over in a just a minute or two.
The big problem is this universe will likely continue after you are working your way through the intestines of some scavenger. We just can't hold a snapshot of reality. This is really happening.
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