Sunday, September 25, 2011

Legalize it

The War on Drugs has gone on a long time. The results, illegal drugs are still in use. Maybe it is because people want to get high. It would be interesting if there were something in our history that would could compare this to. Prohibition possibly? The misguided move to make alcohol illegal in the United States resulted in blood and death while lining the pockets of criminals. Prohibition just doesn't work. What do we learn from repealing prohibition of alcohol?

Well, lifting the prohibition on drugs would take money out of the pockets criminals. It would also alleviate the pressures of our growing prison population. The cartels would not like it because they could not directly control drugs and the money any longer. In other words, it would short circuit the black market. Another benefit would be money in the public coffers that could be used to pay off the huge debt that the USA has accumulated. We could even cut costs further by getting rid of the Drug Enforcement Agency. Right now the US government spends about $500.00 per second in the War on Drugs. The only results being them needing even more money later to continue to fail in every way.

Don't just think of the money and the benefits of dealing more intelligently with crime. There is an ethical issue. How much of a mother state do we need? Is it really the place of government to tell adults what they can and cannot put into their bodies? Medical marijuana is a positive step but it is far too shallow of a step. End the war on drugs and end another manifestation of the nanny state.

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