Friday, December 30, 2011

13th Amendment

So we have this amendment that prohibits involuntary servitude but we still have Selective Service. Does anyone see a problem with this or am I just being quaint in thinking that the Constitution of the United States is actually law.

1. B-b-b-b-but then couldn't get enough people to fight our wars. What war? There hasn't been a declared war since WWII. If the Congress (which is the only body that has the authority to declare war, they don't have the authority to "authorize" military action) and they can't get enough people to show up for it what does that tell you?

2. B-b-b-b-but we have to protect ourselves. From what? If we do have a problem just follow the law and declare war. Then take care of business and come home.

Side issue on feminism: It is noted that we do have this travesty of Selective Service. It is also noted that the feminist movement has not marched on Washington D.C. to demand that women be included. It is only men and that is sexist. I am defeaned by the silence on that issue.
Women should enjoy all of the human rights that men do. The concept of women's rights implies that they get something extra. In the full inclusion of women in our society they should be included in the full violation of natural rights. They should have to register in case we need another slave army.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

An Open Letter

This will be sent everywhere that I can send it. Hopefully some of you will support it and send it where you can.

“Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice; moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue”

- Marcus Tullius Cicero

An open letter to all candidates, from all the parties, for the nomination to be President of the United States of America.

The nature of political debate in our great nation has devolved into a quagmire of 30 second sound bites and skirting of the issues facing our society. There are a few significant issues that are of great importance to our nation and our future. Please, at your leisure of course, review these questions and respond if you would be so kind.

Foreign Policy:

  1. Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution specifies the powers granted to the United States Congress. It states that one of those powers is “To declare War, grant letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;” The War Powers Act of 1973 allows for the President to send troops into combat (by authorization of Congress) for a period of 60 days with a further 30 withdrawal period. This act, and the sole authority of the Congress to declare war, seems to be in conflict with other actions that have allowed long term occupations and “nation building.” Will you commit now in writing and word to never place our troops in harm’s way without a Declaration of War from the Congress?
  2. Will you pledge now in writing and in word to effectively secure the borders of the United States of America? The treasury of the United States, and the several states, cannot be spent for the benefit of those peoples that are not legally in the United States. This is a matter of protecting our laws and our economy.
  3. Will you pledge now in writing and in word to sponsor an effective overhaul of our immigration laws that will allow for reasonable immigration balanced against our employment rate and needs?

Domestic Policy:

  1. Will you commit now, in writing and in word, to support an amendment to the United States Constitution that will prohibit our Legislature from passing any law that has provisions that preclude the Senators, Representatives, and the President from having to live under those laws?
  2. Will you commit now, in writing and in word, to adhere to the United States Constitution and not attempt by action or omission to pass laws that have an effect on the private lives of our fellow citizens excepting of course those actions that cause material harm to others?
  3. Will you commit now, in writing and in word, to repeal any law that allows for the use of Federal troops in domestic law enforcement actions?
  4. Will you commit now, in writing and in word, to support and defend Amendment II of the United States Constitution and support the sovereign right of the citizens to defend themselves from criminal actions?
  5. Article II, Section 1 states that “Each state shall appoint, in such a manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in Congress . . .” Will you commit now, in writing and in word, to support an amendment to the United States Constitution that requires all states to publish the names, offices, and manner of selection of all Electors vested with the authority to cast ballots for the office of the President of the United States?
  6. Will you commit now, in writing and in word, to an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that prohibits any alteration or infringement upon the “Bill of Rights?”
  7. Will you commit now, in writing and in word, to support Amendment XIII of the U.S. Constitution that specifically forbids slavery and involuntary servitude by repealing the Selective Service Act (in all of its manifestations)?
  8. Will you commit now, in writing and in word, to support an amendment to the United States Constitution that would require the United States Supreme Court to grant certiorari to all questions of the meaning and application of the “Bill of Rights?”

Economic Policy:

  1. Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution specifies the powers granted to the United States Congress. It states that one of those powers is “To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the standard of Weights and Measures;” This section of the Constitution does not allow for the Congress to delegate this authority to a private body. The Federal Reserve as a private institution is allowed to operate as a private bank but they do not have the authority to take over Congressional authority and Congress can not delegate this authority any more than the Department of Defense can delegate our national armed forces to Black Water.
  2. Will commit now, in writing and in word, to support an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that would prohibit the use of public funds for the benefit of private institutions and foreign governments without a popular vote to do so?

Any qualm with the United States Constitution cannot be solved by the Legislature passing a law to by-pass our foundation legal document. It cannot be solved by “signing statements” by the President of the United States. If there issues with our Constitution the mechanism exists to change the Constitution. I ask that you obey the Constitution.

Sincerely and most respectfully,

Brandt Smith

Citizen, veteran USAF

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Year end wrap up: War on Drugs

Congressman Ron Paul has recently called the War on Drugs of "total failure." Well, he is right. It is easier to get drugs now than it is to get firewood around here. I even hear that fewer teenagers are using tobacco and alcohol than in previous years but are using more pot.

As I sit down to write this the Drug War Clock shows federal and state spending on the War on Drugs has exceeded $39 billion. The money should raise a few eyebrows. If that doesn't there is the moral case. How can the government decide what we can or cannot put in our bodies. Do we not own our body?

I get it, I had to sit through those D.A.R.E. speaches too. "Drugs are bad, ummkay." So? That isn't the point. Smoking crack is just stupid and if you are smart you won't do it. Stop the War on Drugs. Any government functionary or candidate that says otherwise should be thrown out of office.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

What would you do with the wrench?

Another short message to Occupy Wall Street

You folks seem to be embracing the barbaric and murderous philosophy of socialism. After you cease the means of production and run it collectively what will you do when the machine breaks down? Do you think a drum circle will make the machine work again? You guys can't even work the faucet to take a shower how do you think that you will be able to turn a wrench?

Newsflash for you. The means of production are not the factories that you want to cease. It is the human mind working for its own benefit. It isn't greed that is the problem, it is envy. You want what other people have so you want to have armed thugs take it from those that produced and have handed over to you.

I understand why you think "tuition is theft." Your art appreciation degree didn't get you a $150,000 a year job. (Pay attention, that burger is going to flip itself). Let me state what your problem is, you already know this but have been afraid to say it out loud. You have nothing that anyone is willing to pay for. Nobody wants your women's studies degree. You have nothing to offer. Nobody wants your damn opinions, they don't matter.

Go ahead and have your camps. Try not to know that you are being used by thuggish organizations and as a political stump for those that will trampled your self-esteem even further.

In closing, sometimes (and certainly in your case) poor self-esteem is just accurate observation.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A short class

A short class in political science, for our Senate at least.

The legislature and Courts are not part of the government. The government consists of those those functions, that we have decided in the United States, that are under the authority of the Executive. Our "head of government" and "head of state" are unified in the President of the United States. Note that the Executive does not have legislative or judicial power. Our Founders, in their wisdom, took those powers away from government.

The Senate exists, or at least used to, to act as the voice of the several states in our federal union. It was decided that each state regardless of population would be treated equally and each would have two senators. The House of Representatives, in which all spending bills must originate, is designed to the be the voice of the People. The Court is designed to counter balance the states and people, and the government. A senator is not in the government, he is the voice of his state. A representative is not in the government, he is the voice of his district. The Senate and the House control legislation.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

A solution

90% taxation.

All income, no matter the source, should be taxed at 90%. In the distant past there was this big pile of money that belonged to everyone. Then some bad, evil, greedy people ran up to this pile and took more than their "fair share." The only way that we can get back to fairness is to take all of the money and put it back in that pile. This time we will post guards around the pile so that unauthorized people don't run in and take more than their "fair share." Think of all the jobs that will be created. We will need a lot of guards.

Don't worry about not having enough money, being permitted to keep only 10% of your income, because there won't be any food to buy. Nobody could afford to produce so there won't be anything to purchase. That being the case you won't be needing that 10% either so hand that over. More jobs will be created buy having to hire people to take the rest of the 10%.

A few problems will arise, like people starving for example, but those can be solved by forcing people to produce. More jobs will be created by having to hire people to force other people to produce. A new problem comes up when we can't produce at a price that people can afford. So we can then require the forced producers to simply keep their prices low so that people can get their "fair share."

In the end, the producers, the guards, and the consumers will all work for the government. We will only need a Department of Production to monitor the forced producers on government farms and in government factories, a Department of Guards to monitor and direct the government guards and enforcers, and a Department of Consumption to make sure that people are consuming enough and a enough of the right stuff at the right time.

We will most likely need a Department of Prisons so that we can remove those that fail the system. The system cannot fail, only treasonous people fail the system. We will have to have a gulag to send them to. I suggest Kansas. Think of all the jobs that will be created by having to hire all those people to staff and work for the Department of Prisons.

About the pile of money. We can't just divide it equally amongst all the people that live here. They can't be trusted to use it correctly and we don't really have any idea of how much money is out there so we can't give out an equal share to everyone. What we can do though is determine how much you need. Then we give that to you.

What do you really need? Some food, a shelter, some water, and maybe some clothing. To make sure that you are not a burden on the system by have clothing that is too expensive (that might make you seem better than the next guy) we are going to issue jumpsuits to everyone. All other clothing is not permitted. If found wearing other clothing you are deemed an enemy of equality (this is where the Department of Prisons comes in). The jumpsuit is "enough" clothing.

Shelter, you will have "enough." To make sure that we are all equal and fair the shelter will be a single room for each member of your family plus a kitchen and living room. Of course there is the problem of some families being bigger than others. To remedy this inequality all families will be limited to one man and one woman (the way Gawd intended it) and two children. More children or less children is unequal and will make you an enemy of equality and fairness. (Again the Department of Prisons will be useful).

Water, you will be issued your daily ration at your government mandated job. You will consume all of it. Over-consumption of water is unfair. Under-consumption of water is a terrorist attempt to unbalance the system. Department of Prisons, you already have the jumpsuit.

Food, you will be issued the perfectly balanced diet. You will voluntarily agree to comply by consuming every bit of the perfectly balanced diet. Over- or under-consumption are enemies of equality. There is a slight problem with food and water. Not every current metabolism or body requires the same amount of calories and water. To remedy this inequality all adults will be required to weigh the same and be of the same height. Body fat content between men and women will have to equalized to get rid of that inequality. Drugs will have to be introduced to control or inhibit growth for those criminals who attempt to be too tall.

The cash again. The cash is just too clumsy. Here is your card. It will be loaded with precisely the fair amount. To make life easier for you the card will also serve as your driver's permit (remember it is a privilege to drive), your medical card, your library card (no worries, all offensive books have been taken care of), and your Blockbuster card.

Friday, December 2, 2011

To the men in America, and elsewhere maybe

I have been working recently in this statistics class. I have noticed something interesting.

Of the younger students most of the really good students are female, that is controlling for the disportionate representation of females to males in college. There is at least one notable exception in a young man that I expect to see great things from him. As far as other males doing well, they are considered "non-traditional students." Why is it that the slightly older males are doing so much better? Is that they actually show up and do the work while handling a family and a full time job but are doing better than those that have no other responsibilities?

Is it that the unique snowflakes just can't compete with the drive and ambition of the older generation? Why have we contributed to the wussification of America.

Men, young and old, stand up and be a man. Work harder and accomplish. Nothing is owed to you without effort. I am concerned about our future as a nation when our future leaders were given a trophy just for showing up and losing. A loser leader can only lead a losing nation.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Society is falling apart

Be polite

I don't call my boss by his first name. I call him by his title as a sign of respect for what he has accomplished. I call cops "officer," and judges "your honor." I call my elders Mister or Ma'am. I show respect to my subordinates and my peers and colleagues. I also expect people like police officers, judges, and strangers to use such honorifics as "sir" and "mister" when they are talking to me. My proper name is reserved for friends, family, and those others that are socially permitted to (my boss and colleagues for example).

I was pulled over. I obeyed the signal and pulled to the side of the road safely. I removed the key from the ignition and kept my hands on the wheel as the officer approached. I understand that they have rough job sometimes. I wanted to respect that. After checking my license and whatever else they do back in their car he returned and handed me my license. He called me by my first name and notified me that I needed to change my license over. I said "okay" but I corrected him on his excessive familiarity. We are not friends or he would not have pulled me over. No ticket by the way. He is a public employee and I respect that. That is why I called him "officer." I expect the same in return.

To all the sad little hippy people out there that think that showing respect to others is an elitist trap, go to hell. To all the women out there that get offended when I give up my seat on the bus or hold a door open for them, go to hell. I will keep doing it because it is right. Manners is the oil that keeps the social machine going.

On that note: Men and women are different. No law will ever change that. That does not mean that a women who is qualified cannot hold any job that a similarly qualified man can hold. No modified standards though. If you want to be in the military you should have to climb the same wall in the same manner as the men. The same kind of pushups and no special standards for females at all. They should however take all the market will handle. When a man opens a door for you just say "thank you." It isn't a statement on your capability, you may however secretly think that you can't compete unless you complain about the fact that men and women are different.

Dress for the occasion/Uniform of the day: Show respect by dressing for where you will be. Flip flops are rarely acceptable. I know some remarkable ladies that are involved in the sport Roller Derby. On the track they dress in the team uniform. At work they dress as their job requires. I know a nurse, a soldier, a librarian (which is hot by itself), and a dental hygienist. They dress for their jobs. I have also seen them at social functions. They dress as the beautiful ladies that they are enjoying a night out. In no outfit, uniform, or clothing are they less the strong, powerful women that they are.

I work with some rather remarkable women. They dress the occasion and the purpose. I have also seen them off duty and they dress appropriately for where they are. No change of clothes changes the powerful intellects that they have. My wife can go from t-shirt, jeans, and these hiking boots that I hate to a suit without changing who she is or the fact that she is a capable and intelligent woman. What do all of these have in common? The clothes don't make the person but they show respect and practicality for the situation in which they are.

Men, don't think that you are off the hook. A jacket and tie, learn to tie it right. Tuxedos are sometimes appropriate, do them right. Try to shave on a semi-regular basis at least and if you are beard guy try not to look like Ted Kacynski.

Don't over do it, just do it. Be polite and be sincere about it. Dress for the occasion. No, nobody is trying to hold you down.

Society, all of us dealing with each other, requires manners. Use them or lose the society. Drum circles won't solve that either.

. . . and why do art shows stink?

Friday, November 18, 2011


Read the whole thing before running off and crying

To all the kids that are being bullied:
First, stand up for yourself. Get into a boxing club or something. Fight back. They have no right to put hands on you. Get tough, get a good sturdy pair of boots and kick the bully in the piss pump. After you have done that don't expect and after school special where the bully then becomes your best friend. Expect him instead to come back for revenge. The bully is a scumbag who delights in causing pain and fear. Make it not worth his while.

To all the parents:
It is your fault. It is the fault of the parents of the bully because they taught him that it was okay to do what he does. It is the fault of the parents of the kid who is being bullied because you raised a kid who looks like a good victim. It isn't your "little baby." It is a small person who will one day be an adult. Make him strong.

To the schools:
It is your fault. When parents place their child with you for the duration of the school day (bully and bullied) you take on certain responsibilities. Those responsibilities include, but are not limited to, the health and welfare of those children. We all know that the school knows what is going on. The teachers know because they see it. The rest of the school staff and adminstration know. They just don't do anything. They fail in their job as responsible adults. When a child who may be small, weak, and afraid comes to believe that he will be tortured and humiliated everyday at school that child will eventually strike back. He may strike back violently and with a certain degree of overkill. If a student is injured or worse when the bullied strikes back it is the fault of the school. They failed. The parents failed.

Internet bullies? What the hell are those kids even doing with a cell phone? Are they all Doogie Houser and need to be in surgery right away? Close their facebook page or require that you get to monitor it directly. Control their internet use. Be an absolute dictator if you have to. Kids won't learn what they need to if you don't teach them.

This link leads to a load of crap. The whole bully situation won't go away until McFly slugs the bully or adults actually do their job. I put my money of the bullied slugging the bully because the adults that run our schools and the political stooges who are their bosses are too scared to do their job.

Children are not naturally good. They are savage little animals that need committed adults to instill in their savage minds a moral sense.

I am open to other ideas on this but all is see is failures.

To the parents and teachers that think I am too harsh. I used to be a corrections officer. I have seen where your little darlings could be going. It comes from a sense of entitlement because they were never taught social virtue. They were led to believe that life would give them what they want because they have never had to struggle.

I pity them the poverty of their wealth.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Time for the TRUTH

I hear Tea Party people (both the real deal and the version used by the GOP) complaining about how the gummint is not following the Constitution. I hear Occupy Wall Street complain because the sand is far too gritty in their vaginas. I hear several people complain about one of our troops gunning down some punk in Iraq. What I don't hear is anyone talking about the absolute failure of the American people. The absolute failure because "We The People" are far too comfortable to care about TBI, PTSD, and death. Absolute failure because "We The People" are too cowardly to hold our government accountable to legally constrain them.

We couldn't possibly require our government to follow the Constitution, it is only a piece of paper afterall, because then other people might be able to live in a manner that we don't approve of. We couldn't hold them responsible because all of us decent folk couldn't make sure that "dem dere queers don't get married" or some other equally stupid problem that distracts you from what you should be doing.

Fortunately, politics are boring and you shouldn't have to know anything about anything before you go to the poll and ram your political cock down the throats of the minority opinions. What happens in the next decade, you will complain about that too, is exactly what you have been begging for. Lub up and enjoy.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Where does innovation come from?

There has been a lot of useless chatter from the pundits and the various GOP candidates and the President of the United States about what makes America work. Too bad they never paid attention.

Innovation of any type is a threat to the status quo. This means that the very rich and their political buddies have a vested interest in making sure that there is no innovation. Innovation could threaten the biggest campaign donations. Innovation could hurt a union.

Innovation could hurt the poor because their un-skilled jobs can be eliminated. They have a vested interest in making sure that innovation does not happen.

It sounds like innovation is a terrible thing until we consider "germ theory" and the host of other matters that have made our lives better. Standard Oil stopped whaling because kerosene became cheaper than whale oil. That's right folks, Standard Oil, those evil capitalist saved the whales when no whimp hippy could and they did it by coming up with an alternative. Yup, innovation. A human mind made it happen without having to pass laws and buy politicians.

What should we learn from this? Quit begging your "enlightened leaders" no matter how "intellectual" they may seem to save you. Get to work. If you want solar power of whatever hippy crap you want, make it happen. That means you may have to learn math. Math is just one of those tools that the man uses to keep you down. Learn something punks. Make the difference and quit asking your government to do it for you. Nut up or shut up.

"Whaaaa! There are troops in Iraq." Make it clear that they have to come home. The sovereignty of government rests with The People (bless their black, flabby, greedy hearts). "Whaa, I have to pay my student loans." Tough shit. Life is hard. Get a job and pay them off. "Whaa, somebody hurt my feelings" because he said "nigger" or "spic" or "fag" or "kyke" or "camel jockey." You don't have a right to not be offended. Seriously, if you are not offended you are not paying attention.

I mention this because the people that make things happen step up and take care of business. They don't cry or take Solyndra loans. They make it happen. That is what I want to see out of my countrymen. Make change happen, convince me to come along. Don't appeal to my better nature. I don't really have one. Appeal to my gross self-interest. Appeal to my sense of integrity and honor. Convince me that your way is better.

. . . by the way, you won't get me to support amnesty for illegals by tugging on my heart strings. I lost my tear ducts in the war. I used to be a six foot tall black Marine. Now I am a skinny, dirty white boy with remarkable skills of oratory. Speak to my belief in a nation of laws instead of nation of bruised vaginas.

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Troops

I come from a military family meaning that many of my kith and kin have served in our nation's armed forces. Even my momma wore combat boots. Many of my friends have as well. Now President Obama has determined that the troops are coming home by the end of the year. That is good news. Thank you Mr. President. Too much of our troops' blood has been spent on someone else's war. I don't mourn the death of Saddam Hussein, I was glad to see him go. I am also glad to see Qaddafi go (I wish that we had got him back in the Reagan administration).

This is not a political question. It is a philosophical question. Is it proper to spend American lives for someone else's war? No and hell no. Whatever the politics and economics are "people are not potatos." Our troops are not pieces to be moved around a board and sacrificed without damn good reason. They are living, thinking human beings and American citizens that have "placed their fragile bodies between the desolation of war and the comforts of home." They should be respected and supported. The best way to support them is for We The People to require our government to issue a declaration of war so that the entire economy can be placed in the service of supporting our troops and they will not have to walk into that vile sandbox without the proper weapons and armor. We do go to war with the army that we have. Too bad we aren't at war. "War" is not a feeling or a soundbite. It is a legal action by the Congress of the United States of America. When this happens, and it hasn't happened in a long time, the country goes to work and takes care of business. We The People failed our troops by allowing our Congress and our Executive to prosecute a military action without the full backing of the United States government and economy. 10 years? Seriously people. We whipped the Empire of Japan and the Nazis in less time. This is the most powerful military machine on the planet that we are talking about. Do you really think that its total power would take more than a weekend to mop up Afghanistan and Iraq, and any of their neighbors that wanted to get in on it?

No, are troops were slaughtered and sacrificed for political expediency. Where were you? I hope that you were not part of the unwashed masses beating on a drum on the street in Santa Cruz, California. That accomplished nothing. I hope that you were pressuring your government to act in a legal manner. Doesn't seem like many of us were, now we want to complain.

We now have troops in Uganda and Gawd knows were else. Yet the silence is defeaning.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Typical Machete Fight

A short while back I TA'd for a philosophy course. During one of the garden path discussions (which was the custom in those days) we began to talk about violence (the sweet, sweet violence). One of the students was a young lady who was an immigrant from Cuba. She was under the impression that the United States was far more violent than Cuba. This is all about perception. She watched the news and heard the worst excesses of the several criminals and thugs that we have in this country. She had an idea of the United States as being a violent place because she had heard about shootings and other assorted madness.

She did say that in Cuba they would have their "typical machete fight" but nothing like what is going on in the United States. I have a couple of questions. First, what is an atypical machete fight? That would be worth seeing. Who would waste their valuable time with a typical machete fight? It is the atypical machete fight that I want to see. Second, who the hell has typical machete fights? That is just crazy.

Perception of events shapes our thinking on the environment. When you have a "typical machete fight" it does not have an effect on you. It is things outside of your norm that cause problems. Apply this to politics. Would we see an atypical politician as "crazy?" Too far outside the norm and we can't seem to deal with it or fit it into our cognitive frame. Maybe we should think more and evangelize less?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What the hell

So Jesse Jackson Jr. wants the President of the United States to "take extraordinary constitutional" actions because "the Congress is in rebellion" against the United States. The Congress of the United States voted against the so-called jobs bill proposed by President Obama. The President was upset by Jackson wants the President to take "extra-constitutional opportunities." As a Congressman, Jesse Jackson Jr. has taken an oath to defend the Constitution. So who is rebellion?

Occupy Wall Street. Okay, what is that they are protesting exactly? Other than wanting to kill people, they want investigations and prosecutions of those criminals on Wall Street that were, in part, responsible for the state of our economy. No word is mentioned about policies that encouraged and permitted those excesses.

They want, at least some of them do, laws that state that a corporation is not a "person." I can agree with that. People die, in about 75 years. They go to prison for breaking laws and being found guilty.

Taxes, just to make sure that the bad rich people and evil corporations pay their fair share. Isn't it about 50% of citizens that actually pay taxes? I do think everyone, and I do mean everyone, should pay their fair share. This includes the poor. "If you want to be a crook in my town you have to pay for the privilege."

More Demands:
"Living wage." Get rid of the near slave labor conditions of illegal aliens, get rid of government enhanced housing bubbles along with regulations that prohibit growth prices could come down and it would be reasonable then to pay an unskilled person what they are worth. Also, America is for Americans. Not the Chinese or Mexico or any other nation. We have to tend our own hearth before we continue giving money (foreign aid) to China who in turn loans it back to us.

"Universal health care." Show me how to do it without theft and I am all ears.

"Free college education." There are too many people going to college anyway. It should be harder to get in. Of course skilled trade jobs should pay well. Unskilled is just unskilled.

"Guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment." So they are asking to be paid to not do anything. Of course those that are being paid to protest are getting paid, so what is the problem for them?

"Open borders migration, anyone can travel anywhere to work and live." All I can say to this is damn you folks are ignorant.

"Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all." Does that include rich people's debts? What of the people that made the loans, are they going to get bailed out when they lose their shirts?

I wish that I could make stuff like this up.

Now on taxes. There are too many taxes as is. It would be nice if we had a tax structure in which everyone paid. A certain percentage perhaps, maybe 5%. If the bloated federal government can't live on that they can start with reducing their own salaries and staff. They can fire a bunch of folks like the entire ATF and DEA. Legalize marijuana.

Marijuana should only be legal for industrial, medical, and entertainment purposes. Any other reason is just stupid. Legalize it, take a bunch of money out of the pockets of crooks and murderers. Legalize it, and add a very large sum of money to federal and state coffers. Legalize it and reduce the remarkable size and cost of our federal and state prison systems. Legalize it so that our police forces can concentrate on things that matter like murder, theft, arson, and a host of other violent crimes against persons and property that they would rather cover anyway.

Legalize it for the moral reason that no person or government has the right to tell a person what they can and cannot do to their own body. While we are at it. Legalize prostitution. Giving someone an orgasm is not a crime. Hell, if you turn the camera on then it isn't prostitution, it is pornography.

Can anyone really stand this tripe that is being fed to us? Your masters in D.C. seem to think that they are nowhere near the amount of tripe that you should be fed.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I am damn near sick about the term "liberal" being applied to people that hate or are completely opposed to what is clearly liberal philosophy. No, this is not an endorsement of the Libertarian Party. They would do better in politics if everyone of their members didn't want to be king.

Liberal philosophy would terrify the GOP and the Democrat Party (aka progressives). That much freedom with thinking people is anathema to their ideas of government control of, well, everything. When you make a decision between Republicans and Democans you are only deciding between the amount of Big Brother control (and that will increase every cycle). You are not making a decision on conservative or progressive questions.

To all the ignorant bastards that refused to educate themselves before voting in the last election, Fuck You Too. You are personally responsible for the mullato George W. Bush. Remember "hope and change?" Well, you got the Patriot Act renewed by the Messiah (tm) without a word from the decent and apparently educated left wing. You did not receive a troop withdrawal, you got an expansion of military activity, again without dirty smelling protestors banging drums outside of my window. Where are you now?

Yes, I know, "occupy Wall Street." Occupy my left penis. Begging for free food and taking a dump in public. Nice. Good way to show the validity of a political idea that the rest of the country should follow. You are all playing into their hands. It saddens me to see how much you love theft and hate freedom.

To the corporations that bought their fiefs from congressmen, senators, and the executive. Some of us know. Some worthless punks that couldn't maintain on the fry line at McDonald's is raking in the cash because of large donations to the punks that make the laws. Yeah, get behind those people. At least you got to vote for the first mulatto to be president. I hope that you are happy. In the mean time, men and women are coming home in boxes. How does that hope and change feel now?

I don't blame the government, they are most likely confused. They are all educated men and women and they may be laboring under the impression that the voters of this country actually care about something more than their own wallet and feelings. As a voter you an have obligation to be informed before you vote. This country does not exist to provide anyone with a free ride. It exists to protect the freedoms that every person should enjoy.

I am sick of the damn voters and their pathetic opinions on abortion or how those evil horrible rich people (remember, it was terrorists last week and communists before that) that sway your opinions to making remarkably stupid decisions. I would pray that you have to live with those decisions but prayer isn't necessary, you will have to live with it. When President Obama is dining on the finest of foods you will be figuring out how you can afford a pound of hamburger to feed your children.

Don't take this as harsh, it happened when a bunch of dumbasses jumped behind George W. Bush. I hoped that the land that I buried many of my family in, under the flag of our nation, would never get so selfish as to take a shit on their graves. I hope that one day the citizens actually do something for this country and constrain our government. I have no utopian ideas that this will happen anytime before I am worm food.

Best of luck to you. To quote one of the last great patriots, "in a nation of swine, all pigs have upward mobility" - Hunter S. Thompson

Sunday, October 2, 2011

It isn't racist

It isn't racist to support your country. It isn't "un-American" to believe that those that do not belong here don't belong here. Separating families because some of that family are criminals isn't "un-American." We separate families every day when we send a citizen to prison. People have to be held accountable for their actions. Sneak into the country (a crime) have a kid here (by law a citizen). Having the kid who is legally a citizen does not erase the crime of sneaking into the country. If they really loved their children they would not start their lives by having to deal with parents who are criminals.

It isn't a "GOP idea" to demand that our government returns to the constitutional constraints that keep government out of our lives and bedrooms. It is also not a "gay agenda" to support the idea that two adults are permitted the same consideration as any other couple in this country. Frankly, even polygamy shouldn't be a government issue. How does that sit with your bible?

We have moved from a republic to an abusive democracy.

Friday, September 30, 2011

About Awareness

Now I will ramble about awareness. First I will make fun of my Buddhist friends. Using zazen or any other perfect formula is like using good drugs for medicinal purposes, it is just stupid. Being truly aware is like getting a lightning enema. Not very fun and just disgusting for the guy that has to clean that shit up.

Put down your crackberry or whatever evil tool of SkyNet you are currently using (but not before you read all of the words in this post) and just live in the moment. I live in the desert and the air this remarkable quality about it. It is free of that wonderful smell of decaying vegetable and animal matter. Things just dessicate here. Fear not though, your humble guide in this journey is well hydrated with the Water of Life for this post.

You can meditate by just stopping the chattering monkey in your head. Pay attention! (Please insert the tone and sound of a strong father figure in that, I always do). He was right, that is all you need to do. Just pay attention. Pay attention to the color of the leaves while paying attention to everything else like the smell of the air, the clink of ice cubes in a tumbler, remarkable Latinas walking down the street, and the smell of excellent food being cooked somewhere.

Once you have that, then know that the best case scenario to all this wonderful goodness is entropy, sickness, and death. It will most likely be really painful too. Even if it only hurts for a very short while at the end it will feel like eternity. If you can accept that you can get over the pervasive sense of dissatisfaction and be content. In short, life sucks - get over it. It will be over in a just a minute or two.

The big problem is this universe will likely continue after you are working your way through the intestines of some scavenger. We just can't hold a snapshot of reality. This is really happening.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Legalize it

The War on Drugs has gone on a long time. The results, illegal drugs are still in use. Maybe it is because people want to get high. It would be interesting if there were something in our history that would could compare this to. Prohibition possibly? The misguided move to make alcohol illegal in the United States resulted in blood and death while lining the pockets of criminals. Prohibition just doesn't work. What do we learn from repealing prohibition of alcohol?

Well, lifting the prohibition on drugs would take money out of the pockets criminals. It would also alleviate the pressures of our growing prison population. The cartels would not like it because they could not directly control drugs and the money any longer. In other words, it would short circuit the black market. Another benefit would be money in the public coffers that could be used to pay off the huge debt that the USA has accumulated. We could even cut costs further by getting rid of the Drug Enforcement Agency. Right now the US government spends about $500.00 per second in the War on Drugs. The only results being them needing even more money later to continue to fail in every way.

Don't just think of the money and the benefits of dealing more intelligently with crime. There is an ethical issue. How much of a mother state do we need? Is it really the place of government to tell adults what they can and cannot put into their bodies? Medical marijuana is a positive step but it is far too shallow of a step. End the war on drugs and end another manifestation of the nanny state.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

der is wisdom in dem der hills

Yes there is. It took many moons for me to figure this out. I am sure that countless others had this figured out well before me.

"Gawd willin' and da creek don't rise." I used to think that this should a profound lack of faith in the faithful. In retrospect it shows a profound pragmatism about the world. "Gawd" can will, or at least things can happen that people think is the Will of Zeus, by the creek does occasionally rise and it would be stupid to try to cross then. Sometimes things just don't work out. Sometimes those "acts of God" really stick it in and break it off. So be it, you have to maintain because the world won't meet you half way.

"Dawgs gonna hunt." Yes they will, anyone who has ever had a dog knows this. A bit deeper, everything will act according to its nature. If you are dealing with a crook, know it so you will know what he will do or at least you will know what motivates him.

Aside: "Bless his heart" means "look how stupid that boy is" or, depending upon context, "look how well he deals with the cards that life dealt." Afterall, it is all in the cards.

Then there are rattlesnake roundups. I can't figure that out, it seems crazy to me but I have done dumber things (though with less venom).

Sunday, September 18, 2011

American Culture

For those that have never been out of the North-Eastern United States, there a bunch of Americans who by tradition and culture are Hispanic. From the liberation of Texas from the dictatorship down South to the other treaties and secessions, and our dear brethren in Puerto Rico, much of our country is Hispanic.

What makes them different is that the flag they fly is Old Glory. They love this country, have fought for it, died for it, and support it now. I have read websites that spoke ill of our countryment that are Hispanic. This is wrong and should be resisted by every true blood American. When should never kneel down, in the name of multiculturalism, to people marching on our nation's capital with the Mexican flag. The last time something like that happened Old Hickory whipped the Brits at the Battle of New Orleans (as a response).

American culture is this: Irish-AMERICANS, German-AMERICANS, Anglo-AMERICANS, Franco-AMERICANS, hell just throw it all out and include Euro-AMERICANS. It is also Hispanic-AMERICANS. I put "Americans" in caps for a reason. Citizenship to the United States, the nation that I served, my mother and father, my grandfather, my uncles and many other of my kith, kin, and friends have served is based on a dedication to a philosophy that (sadly) many of our political leadership has forgotten. We are not Mexico or Ireland. We are the United States of America. We are not any dirtass country like Afghanistan, we are the United States of America.

Our troops should not be spent on the freedom of people that hate us. Our efforts should not go to those that resent it.

Every day when I come home I look over the river and I see Juarez. I see the poverty that the good people there have to live under. Every day I hear the news of the decent folk being killed by governments that hate freedom and thugs that love only power. I feel for them. I desire their freedom, I hope for their chance to live under a regime that will allow them to live their lives. Sadly, evil men care more about blood and profit and wish to kill more than wish to build.

The same can be said about a relatively small but vocal element of Hispanic-Americans. These ignorant bastards actually believe that freedom stole land from Mexico. They give textbooks to kids in California that state that a large chunck of the United States was stolen from Mexico. They neglect to mention the legally binding treaties and the murderous nature of the dictatorships that those people chose to not be a member of.

Freedom is not a party. The President of the United States, has demeaned himself to cowtwo to the National Council of La Raza (The Race). Imagine our leadership speaking at a KKK meeting. It is the same thing. For the weak asses that might read this. Read up on on La Raza and anti-semitism. I know that you are supposed to hate all Anglo-Americans but you have to kiss Israel's arse (Remember the U.S.S. Liberty and King David Hotel). That small group which unfortunately has twisted the minds of a few academics, politicians, and all too many people that hate our country also hate Jews. Because of the holocaust you now have to resist La Raza.

National unity and fidelity is not enough. So how about anti-semitism. The oath of office is not enought, so how about killing and expelling Jews and white people. Don't mention white folk because killing them will never be a hate crime.

"Hate crime," has anyone ever committed a crime in which they loved the victim?

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Is this thing on?

Okay, some have misinterpreted my ramblings. I am not anti-Hispanic or anything like that. I am anti-dipshit policies. I stand by my statements that everyone that is hear illegally is a criminal. That won't change.

We need an intelligent immigration policy. If we don't have enough work for the carpenters that are citizens we should not be letting carpenters in. There are places that we need skilled and unskilled labor. The employers can sponsor the workers. I am all for this and I really don't care about skin color.

On a related issue, the National Council of La Raza (the race) and other such organizations that are hostile to the United States of America should not be funded on our publically funded campuses (MeCha) or by our federal government (National Council of La Raza). This folks are willfully ignorant of history.

Texas is not stolen land. The Republic of Texas seceded from a dictatorial Mexico and won their independence. After about a decade they petitioned to join the United States. They just barely made it in. There were also considerations in the treaty that ended the Mexican-American war in which a lot of land was ceded to the United States and a sum of 15 million dollars was paid for it. There was another land deal in which more land was sold to the United States and the bill was paid. None of this is stolen land, it was paid for. Not too mention that the Americans of Hispanic descent were obviously more than happy to live in the United States instead of a dictatorial Mexico, but that would be asking too much. Of course it isn't necessary to answer because the President of the United States and Senator McCain speak at the National Council of La Raza.

La Raza, I wonder if there would be outrage if a senator spoke at an organization called the Association for American Identity? In our great nation we have distinct cultures that have come together to build the greatest nation on the planet. Anglo-European descent Americans, aboriginal Americans (yes "aborginal"), Spanish Americans, Franco-Americans, Hispanic-Americans. Our languages have always been English, Spanish, and French. Cajuns leaving Canada and moving to Louisiana, then a small little purchase agreement. They are still French speaking. French is an American language because they are Americans.

The state of New Mexico has its constitution in English and Spanish, and has since the state has been around because of the ethnic mixture of the state.

By the way, speak the language(s) or get out of the country. Better yet, observe the laws that are designed to protect the American people (government, enforce the damn laws, I don't care if the Chief Executive's uncle is in trouble for being an illegal alien). All service members have taken an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Language and/or ethnicity is not the issue. What is on the table is a gross violation of American law and occasional rounds fired at agents of our government that are executing their duties on the border.

Get with it people. Vote and raise hell. Don't stop there, raise more hell. The government doesn't listen to votes. Raise even more hell, make them listen. They will do anything to keep their jobs, well, we can make them do what is right.

Monday, September 5, 2011

What about social justice?

I was asked this just yesterday after somebody read some of my ideas on immigration, "what about social justice?" A good question is, what makes "social justice" different from "justice?" I get suspicious when people use phrases like "social justice" because it suggests that it is something different from "justice." I get bothered by phrases like "African American rights" or "Latino rights" because that suggests that it is something different from human rights.

This question was asked in reference to my stance on immigration. The real solution is not open borders. It is Mexico and other ailing states getting their act together. The people of Mexico are like the people from any other state that you could ever meet. They are decent in that they care about their families and want to make a living. That is something that we can all applaud.

What is unfortunate is that several police officers, other officials, and innocent people have been the victim of corruption and far too many have been murdered. The real solution is to help Mexico be successful. Presidente Calderon needs to clean house. I am a little scared of the things that Mexico will have to do to clean house.

Every day will I move across town I see Juarez. I read about what the people there are going through. My heart does go out to them. I look forward to a day in which they can build their lives and their country without living in fear of thugs and gangsters.

So what can the USA do about it? Not much really. Throwing more money at the problem certainly won't help because of the corruption in different levels of their government. How about we legalize marijuana and cut a huge portion of cartel profits? How about we change immigration policy to where it is not stupid? How about we control the border and have serious consequences for those that come across illegally? I have no problem with people that want to work and be free. Having met many immigrants I can say that I want more of them. Hell, I will even work out a two for one deal. You send us one good one and I have two that I would like to give to Mexico. Win win all around. Of course those being sent from the USA would have to speak Spanish and actually attempt to become part of Mexico. Hmmm, that could be an interesting comparative government post.

Someone remind me to tell everyone the "typical machete fight" story.

FEMA reset

Though I am lucky to live in a place now that suffers very little in the way of natural disasters I am aware that many other parts of the country are prone to them. I am not the only person that is aware of this.

The basic concept of FEMA is cool. Too bad it is another stumbling bureaucracy. Here is a FEMA revamp. Close it down. Fire all the political appointees. The states can then establish some type of cooperative agreement, paying into an insurance plan. Of course states that are more prone to natural disasters should pay more but you might be surprised how often FEMA money is paid out. Floods, fires, and the rest of the apocalypse happens pretty regularly. Maybe we can get Madoff to run the disaster relief plan for the states.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Government and its purpose

Decent folk don't have much need for government. Government has very few jobs to do. I can't remember who said it but it goes something like this. "Government should only refrain from doing evil." In other words, they don't need to do good, just don't do bad.

Adults are required to live with the consequences of their actions. If were to make the bad decision to begin using heroin then I should live with the consequences of using heroin. There is no need for a law to tell me what I can and cannot take into my body. On the other hand, there are crimes that are often associated with drug use, like theft for example. The crime then is theft, not drug use. People should be warned of the dangers of heroin and that is the end of government's involvement.

Government exists to protect against force and fraud. The several states formed a federal government to provide for our mutual defense and to keep the doors of interstate commerce open. To that end the Department of Agriculture maintains weights and measures. An ounce in Texas is an ounce in Maryland. 12 inches in Hawaii is 12 inches in Virginia. A bushel is a bushel etc.

Our government, Congress in this particular case, holds the sole authority to mint money and establish the value thereof. This does give them the related authority to establish some system of banking. It does not give them the authority to delegate to a private institution (like the Federal Reserve for example). Congress needs to take control of this issue PDQ.

The Executive Branch of our government is required to execute the duties of that office (President). This includes enforcing the laws. The executive branch does not have the authority to selectively enforce the laws passed by Congress. The President cannot make law. His office has no legislative power other than his part of the system of checks and balances. He can veto a bill but that veto can be overturned by Congress if enough of the congressmen agree.

Government exists to protect the people from foreign enemies, from domestic criminals, and to support our laws with just courts. That doesn't require 2200 page bills that people don't read before voting on.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Vocabulary education

After watching the circus of politics for a bit I decided it is time for an education. Words actually have meaning and a great deal of fun can be had when you find where and when the machine slightly changes or exchanges words.

There is no such thing as an "illegal immigrant." There are "immigrants," those are the people that have come through the proper channels. There are also "resident aliens," which are those that have come through proper channels and do not have citizenship in our great nation but have legal status here. There are also "illegal aliens," who are by definition criminals and do not have special rights.

All that being said we have a big problem on the plate. Our immigration system is a wreck. There are many hard working and decent men and women that would make outstanding citizens. We should have a way for them to become citizens. This does not need a DREAM act or other such cooked up and useless plan. Little known fact, obviously, immigrants can already achieve citizenship by serving in the military. Yeah, they left that out of the soundbite political education that people thrive on these days didn't they.

We need a point system. If you are a carpenter and we have plenty of carpenters you can't come in. Unless of course you have other skills or resources that we need. If you are a criminal, for something that we would consider a crime, then you can't come in. If you sneak in, you are a criminal.

I live near someplace that just makes me sad. Every day I see Juarez, just across the Rio Grande. I feel bad for so many good folk that are having to live under those conditions. My heart goes out to them. When will the federal government of Mexico do something about the violence and rabid corruption there? Do they serve the people of Mexico or do they serve other interests? Sure we have had the circus of Operation Fast and Furious and the trail of guns "walked" into Mexico, I have also heard of another operation that has placed weapons in MS-13's hands. Really folks, is this the government that we want? Does this fulfill the GOP's good Christian values?

Here are my criteria: Are you a criminal? If yes then move along and get out. If you are not a criminal then we can talk. We really don't need to import criminals, we have plenty of our own. NAFTA does not include competition for our own organized crime. I read the agreement.

Be willing to work, come here to work and build a life. Sending money back home is okay I guess but we should tax it. Non-citizens don't enjoy the same rights and freedoms as citizens. I recommend a modest 10% tax on remittances. That should at least cover a portion of the schooling and medical care.

Bring something to the table. Some skill, even if it is only a strong back. If you are illiterate, call me, I will teach you to read. You can't make it here if you can't read. I want more immigrants and no illegal aliens. I suspect that a certain segment of the population is kept ignorant about how to come here legally. Coyotes are not good people.

We need a real immigration plan. The redneck BS about "speak the language or get out" is ignorant. It is ignorant of the fact that several of our states were already heavily Hispanic when the joined the union and achieved statehood. New Mexico has, since its beginning, a constitution that is printed in both English and Spanish. Louisiana has a relatively large population that speaks French. Yes, we should have an official language, or official languages. English, Spanish, and French. The worse thing that could happen then is that our children would be multi-lingual (is that a word?).

What we cannot do is continue to support a horde of illegal immigrants that march on my nation's capital waving a flag of a foreign nation and demanding special rights. We just can't afford it. What we can afford is hard-working and industrious people that want to make a difference in their own lives, that are willing to work and grow.

I will also cut a deal with Mexico. Send us another hard working guy that will make things happen and I will send you 3 Americans that are not worth a squirt of piss in the desert. Fair deal El Presidente?

Welcome to the Border Town

Yes my pets, I was just outside of Barstow on the edge of the desert for a short while. Now the batchannel is from El Paso, TX just slightly north of interesting city of Juarez, Mexico. I am now living in the Chihuahua desert and loving it. Good food, many decent folk, and a climate that is more suited to my delicate sensibilities.

While I am here working on my PhD in phrenology and cyclopean architecture from Miskatonic University at El Paso I decided to share my journey in the desert. So here we go for the next few years. You will be entertained with stories, delusions, politics, economics, and random rants.

Stay tuned